Classroom management is the act of managing time, space, teaching tools and students to create an effective learning environment. There are many ways to manage these elements of the classroom. Some are effective and other ineffective.
Understanding the difference between effective and ineffective management techniques can help you gain control over your classroom and will facilitate a better, more productive learning environment.
Ineffective Responses to Bad Behavior
Don’t make it personal, don’t get angry. As an instructor, your job is to look out for the good of
the entire classroom. If that means removing a student from the classroom, remove the
student and refer to the consequences as they apply to your classroom and situation. Being
sarcastic toward a student or engaging in a power struggle are also ineffective responses. The
rules and consequences are outlined. Adhere to them and be consistent.
Positive Atmosphere and Role Modeling
Keeping a positive atmosphere in the classroom begins with the instructor. Keep a positive
atmosphere by highlighting good behavior and rewarding those students who follow the rules
of the classroom. Go out of your way to keep personal troubles out of the classroom and show
that you are happy to be there. Model the behavior you expect from your students. This
atmosphere can make being in the classroom enjoyable for students. Letting students see you
as moody or aggressive can undo all that you try to achieve.