To address any issues with the NHA website, please contact the NHA directly at 800-499-9092 for troubleshooting. Keep in mind that their Saturday hours of operation are from 8 am to 1 pm CST.
Tips and Expectations for CCMA Exam Day:
- Arrive a bit early to set up the exam area, ensuring students are appropriately spaced and cannot see each other's computers. Consider separate exam rooms or waiting areas.
- Thoroughly monitor all students during the exam.
- Begin by reading the proctor guide, including a specific portion that must be recited to the students.
- Collect personal items from students and secure them (backpacks, phones, smartwatches, etc.). Each student may have two pieces of scratch paper and a pen/pencil.
- Ensure students bring their laptops and chargers, setting up their workstations for potential plug-in needs.
- Students must arrive on time as the exam is timed, and interruptions are not allowed. Respect for classmates' focus is crucial.
- Allow 15-20 minutes for students to review and ask questions before the exam starts.
- Once the exam begins, instructors can only address computer-related issues, not specific exam content.
- Commence the exam once all students have signed in to their NHA exams, ensuring it starts no later than 30 minutes after the class begins.
- If a student needs to use the restroom, they should raise their hand and wait for the instructor's permission to ensure the security of their computer.
- Instruct students to leave quietly after completing the exam and receiving their scores (visible on instructors' laptops).
- If cheating is suspected, immediately halt the student's exam. Contact the Campus Manager promptly to discuss potential dismissal, and document the situation in the end-of-class notes.
To address any issues with the NHA website, please contact the NHA directly at 800-499-9092 for troubleshooting. Keep in mind that their Saturday hours of operation are from 8 am to 1 pm CST. It's essential to ensure everything is in order before this time for testing purposes.
- NHA Knowledge Center - Proctoring the exam and additional exam day troubleshooting.
- NHA Proctor Process Guide - NHA How to Proctor Guide