NHA Troubleshooting | Tips and Expecations

To address any issues with the NHA website, please contact the NHA directly at 800-499-9092 for troubleshooting. Keep in mind that their Saturday hours of operation are from 8 am to 1 pm CST.

Tips and Expectations for CCMA Exam Day:

  1. Arrive a bit early to set up the exam area, ensuring students are appropriately spaced and cannot see each other's computers. Consider separate exam rooms or waiting areas.
  2. Thoroughly monitor all students during the exam.
  3. Begin by reading the proctor guide, including a specific portion that must be recited to the students.
  4. Collect personal items from students and secure them (backpacks, phones, smartwatches, etc.). Each student may have two pieces of scratch paper and a pen/pencil.
  5. Ensure students bring their laptops and chargers, setting up their workstations for potential plug-in needs.
  6. Students must arrive on time as the exam is timed, and interruptions are not allowed. Respect for classmates' focus is crucial.
  7. Allow 15-20 minutes for students to review and ask questions before the exam starts.
  8. Once the exam begins, instructors can only address computer-related issues, not specific exam content.
  9. Commence the exam once all students have signed in to their NHA exams, ensuring it starts no later than 30 minutes after the class begins.
  10. If a student needs to use the restroom, they should raise their hand and wait for the instructor's permission to ensure the security of their computer.
  11. Instruct students to leave quietly after completing the exam and receiving their scores (visible on instructors' laptops).
  12. If cheating is suspected, immediately halt the student's exam. Contact the Campus Manager promptly to discuss potential dismissal, and document the situation in the end-of-class notes.


To address any issues with the NHA website, please contact the NHA directly at 800-499-9092 for troubleshooting. Keep in mind that their Saturday hours of operation are from 8 am to 1 pm CST. It's essential to ensure everything is in order before this time for testing purposes.