If your module is locked, please follow these directions.
The video above provides a visual guide to assist you in navigating your portal and accessing your course material. For those who prefer written instructions, we have also included a written summary of the steps discussed in the video below.
Viewing Progression Icons

Module items can also be used to show progression through a module. Modules and/or module items that are not available to you are grayed out. For any module icon, you can hover over the icon and view the message for the requirement.
Icon meanings may change depending on if your course is using requirements:
- Orange Dash Icon [1]: when next to a module item, the module item is overdue. When next to the module heading, the module requirements have not been met.
- Green Checkmark [2]: the module item has been completed. For requirements, this icon means the module requirement has been met.
- White Circle [5]: the module item has not been started.
- Lock Icon [6]: the module is locked until a future date. For prerequisites, this icon means the previous module has not been completed so it cannot be viewed.
- Lock Message [7]: the module may contain additional information that cannot be accessed until the name of the assignment in the message is graded.
Viewing Requirements

If a module includes requirements, the header shows whether you are supposed to complete all requirements or select one requirement [1].
Next to the module item, you can view the type of requirement necessary to complete the module item [2]. You must complete all required module items before you can progress to the next module. Some modules may require you to complete the module items in the order listed.
Depending on the module item type, requirements include up to five options:
- View: You must view the item.
- Contribute: You must post a reply to the discussion topic or contribute content to a page.
- Submit: You must submit the assignment, graded discussion, or quiz.
“How Do I View Modules as a Student?” How Do I View Modules as a Student? - Instructure Community, 21 July 2021, community.canvaslms.com/t5/Student-Guide/How-do-I-view-Modules-as-a-student/ta-p/433.