Follow these steps in your Zollege Student Portal to download and upload your documents.
Submit Externship Office
Before starting the externship, get your Externship Office approved by your advisor. Go to your course in Canvas, click on 'Externship Office', and fill out the office info. Approval typically takes 1-2 business days.
Submit externship forms in the student portal under “Submit Dental/Medical Externship Form” in the menu.
Downloading your Externship Form
To download the form, simply click on the "Print this form" button at the top of the page. It's important to note that the form must be completed by your externship supervisor and submitted by the student at the end of each week to receive credit for attendance and a grade.
Uploading your Externship Form
To upload your externship forms, complete the electronic form and select the form you'd like to upload. You can scan the form or take photos of it with your phone. After selecting the form, it will be automatically uploaded. Your externship grade will be added near the end of your course after your advisor audits the forms.