Texas State Exam and Process

As of September 1, 2006 - the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners is requiring that Dental Assistants attend a course to prepare them to pass an examination.

  1. Select the Dental Assistant Registration course and create a profile.
  2. Use your voucher code (not the program code) and enter your date of birth.
    • You will not need to pay anything to take your test. Use the RDA Voucher Code sent to your school email. If you have not received it, please reach out to your advisor.
  3. The Radiology Course/Exam must be completed within 30 days.
  4. The course has three sections: Radiology, Jurisprudence, and Infection Control.
    • Each section takes approximately 1 hour, and the whole course takes about 3 hours.
    • You may take breaks between sections but cannot pause in the middle of a section's test.
  5. Make sure to save the certificate of completion at the end of your test.

After passing the course, apply for your RDA License by following the steps below:

  • Order your NPDB Self Query Report.
    • You may choose an online or paper copy. 
      • If you select the paper copy, please note you will be required to leave the envelope unopened. 

Remember to wait for instructions from the TSBDE before getting fingerprinted.